Why We INSISTED On Painting This Client’s Walls For FREE

Why We INSISTED On Painting This Client’s
Staircase Walls… For FREE
The Client Didn’t Care That We Scuffed His Walls During The Job.
But We’d NEVER Leave Anything Less Than 100% Perfect.
Here’s the thing about 4Ever Remodeling: We’re the Chicago remodeling team that doesn’t shy away from tough conversations, hard truths, and belabored explanations.
That’s literally what we’re here for.
99% of the time, we execute our remodeling projects without a hitch – because we specialize in anticipating hiccups and addressing them before they become hitches.
This is where our stellar communication comes into play.
If some of your products are delayed… we’ll TELL you.
If we’re installing something complicated… we’ll TELL you.
And – like in this customer’s case – if we think we might damage your home in any way… we’ll TELL you.
The Trouble With Paint
It’s irritatingly easy to chip paint – anyone who has ever lived in a home knows this, especially if kids are involved. Most homeowners find that they need a new coat of paint every year or so. A misplaced elbow, a dropped item… anything can be a vehicle for paint chipping – given the right (wrong) time and place.
And another thing about paint? It’s not a super simple thing to patch up. Even that tiny scrape you have to squint to notice takes time and patience to fix up.
That’s why we’re a little neurotic when it comes to potentially chipping paint.
Weather Forecast: Chipped Paint On The Horizon
Picture this:
- One narrow, steep staircase.
- One 1,000-square-foot basement remodel in progress.
- Many loads of plywood, pipes, and tiles that need to come down said staircase.
Do you see the problem here? We sure did.
There was absolutely NO way the plywood, pipes, and other materials would make their way down that narrow staircase without decorating the walls with some very NOT aesthetically pleasing scrapes and scratches.
Of course, being the expert communicators we are – we informed the client of this right away.
His response? “Don’t care…” Shrug.
It turns out he was planning to repaint the staircase and hallway within the year anyway.
We Tried… But We Couldn’t Stomach It
Off we went, hauling materials up and down that claustrophobic staircase, installing the plywood and tiles and whatnot… and scratching the walls and halls in the process.
We finished the project. The basement looked breathtakingly beautiful. But, inevitably, there were a few gashes along the staircase walls.
Call us neurotic, or “hung-up” – but there was NO way we were going to consider this basement remodel a success with those scratches still there.
And so… we hired a painter to patch the drywall and paint the walls with the exact same shade of paint. Boy was the client in for a surprise when he came down the stairs and saw perfectly sleek walls instead of the marked-up version he saw only hours earlier.
Why We Did It
You might be wondering WHY we did this pro bono paint job. After all, the client told us we didn’t have to! Don’t most remodelers try to reduce their workload – not INCREASE it?
Here’s why there was absolutely NO way we were able to leave that wall unpainted:
- We pride ourselves on our meticulous workmanship: We measure and re-measure everything to get the most accurate measurements. We replace tiles that are a smidge uneven. Leaving scrapes on sheetrock is NOT something we can do.
- We respect every home we work on: We view ourselves as “home beautifiers.” It’s our duty to make your home the BEST version of itself that it can be. That means not leaving any part of your home in worse condition.
- We take full accountability for our actions: Taking full responsibility for our behavior is drilled into every 4Ever Remodeling team member. If we did it, you can absolutely be rest assured that we will fix it. The who, whats, and whys don’t matter.
- Our company culture is one of empathy and kindness: It’s instinctual for us to put ourselves in our clients’ shoes and view things from their perspective. How would WE feel if a remodeling company left our home looking this way?
At 4Ever Remodeling, the total success of your project is our number one priority. Any challenge we encounter while striving to reach that goal doesn’t daunt us, because we’re well prepared – mentally and physically.
If you want to discuss more about how our company can successfully complete your remodeling project,
feel free to schedule an in-home consultation with one of our friendly team members.