The Window Quandary That Nearly Stumped Us

The Window Quandary That Nearly Stumped Us
A Story About A Basement Window – And An Exclusive,
Client-Centered Remodeling Experience
For many Chicago remodeling companies, customers are customers – no more and no less. But at 4Ever Remodeling, we see our customers through a different lens.
Actually, when you enlist our services, we don’t even refer to you as a “customer” – we insist on calling you a “client.” It’s not just semantics. A “customer” implies that you’re a number… just another remodeling project, no different from all the others. On the other hand, a “client” means that we relate to you like a valued and special individual.
When you enlist us to upgrade your home, we begin the design-build remodeling journey with you – not just for you.
We view our clients through an empathetic lens, and we ride their emotions together with them. If you’re not happy, we’re not happy. If you’re thrilled, we’re thrilled. If you’re disappointed – we’re disappointed in ourselves.
This background can help you understand why we did what we did for this Evanston homeowner.
It Was Supposed To Be Simple…
At 4Ever Remodeling, we try to be prepared for any eventuality. Nine times out of ten, our diligent planning prevents hiccups and setbacks… But every once in a while, an issue crops up that no one could have predicted.
In this case, disaster struck out of the blue.
This client hired us to transform an old, decrepit basement into a stylish and functional space – our specialty. This project was similar to hundreds of others we’ve done in the past, and we knew the drill WELL.
As soon as our design team ironed out the last few design details, our installers sprang into action.
Armed with a copy of the blueprint and fortified with decades of experience, our master craftsmen smoothly navigated the process – beginning with bringing the necessary materials down to the basement.
And then… CRASH.
A load of two-by-four wood studs smashed into one of the client’s basement windows.
The window didn’t stand a chance.
It Was Anything but Simple.

The client’s house was built in the early 1900s. That means the window we broke was old… almost an antique. Of course, we would replace the window at no charge to the client.
The question was: was it possible to replace it with the exact same window?
As soon as we began contacting window suppliers, we realized there was no easy answer to that question. Supplier after supplier told us they don’t manufacture that type of window. From their tone of voice, it sounded like this kind of window was EXTINCT.
Good Enough Doesn’t Cut It For Us
Lucky for us, this client was unusually easygoing. He didn’t fire us on the spot. In fact, he didn’t even get bent out of shape over this window fiasco. He barely broke a sweat.
On the contrary: He assured us that he was okay with a regular replacement window that didn’t match the original.
Now… most remodelers probably would’ve blessed their lucky stars that they ended up with the most laid-back client on the planet and called it a day.
We just felt uneasy. And to be honest – a bit queasy. What kind of remodelers — no, people – would we be if we replaced a vintage window with generic glass? That didn’t sit right with us.
The Search Commences!
We searched high and low… and we mean HIGH and LOW. We enlisted all of our administrative staff to aid the effort. We spent a few days hunting for a supplier that would agree to manufacture a replica of the original window.
Guess what? After hours of research, phone calls, and outreach… we hit pay dirt! The catch? The window in question was three times the price of your run-of-the-mill glass window.
But at that point, who cared? We certainly didn’t. We were elated – and immensely relieved – that we had actually managed to do the seemingly impossible.
Purchasing and installing that custom-made window glass just felt so right – and so in line with our company values of respect, reliability, and accountability. Those values mean something to us.
5-Star Service And A 5-Star Review
You might think – correctly so – that after all that window replacement drama when we backed out of this client’s driveway for the last time, his sentiment was “good-bye and good riddance.”
Far from it.
A few days later, our Angi account was graced with this review:
Working with 4Ever Remodeling was as easy as I ever could have expected for our first major renovation. Magda patiently sat with us and reviewed the design until it was exactly what we wanted. Peter (Project Manager) and Paul (Lead Builder) were both responsive, helpful, and extremely knowledgeable. They worked with us to build the basement exactly as we always wanted, and we are very happy with the results. We look forward to working with 4Ever again in the future on our next project.”
Alex D.
If you want to discuss more about how our company can successfully complete your remodeling project,
feel free to schedule an in-home consultation with one of our friendly team members.