8 Signs It’s Time To Remodel Your Kitchen ASAP

8 Crystal-Clear Signs That It’s Time To Remodel
The Kitchen In Your Evanston, IL Home
If Your Kitchen Boasts Any Of These Signs,
It’s Time To Call 4Ever Remodeling
A kitchen in the typical Evanston home can last for decades without renovations if you keep it clean and organized. Of course, this job is much easier said than done. When other life responsibilities get in the way, the kitchen can quickly devolve into a mess.
If your kitchen’s best days are long gone, and you are looking for something fresh that represents YOU — you’re in the right place. There’s no need to go looking for a new home when an experienced contractor can give you the kitchen of your dreams.
Here are eight telltale signs that it’s finally time to remodel your kitchen.
Outdated Appliances
Your refrigerator, oven and other appliances play a significant role in how your kitchen functions every day. If they’re old and outdated, they might hinder your food preparation abilities. Even worse, they could be the reasons your utility bills are so high. Kitchen appliances see a sharp increase in energy consumption once they exceed their average life expectancy.
Even if your current appliances are relatively new, you still might be missing out on energy-saving features. The first item on your kitchen remodeling to-do list should be to look for appliances with EnergyStar certifications and other eco-friendly characteristics.
Limited Countertop Space
What do the countertops look like? How much free space is available compared to a room occupied by snacks, countertop appliances, and other random items?
Limited countertop space is a problem for many people who live in older homes since the original builders didn’t have to worry about leaving room for the number of appliances that are in most homes today.
Nowadays, kitchens have much bigger countertops and “islands” that free up more space for the modern home’s necessities. You can keep the toaster oven, blender, and any other device you need close without sacrificing the kitchen’s organization.
Lack Of Storage
Similarly, older kitchens tend to lack sufficient storage space, like cabinets and pantries. If you don’t want to change the kitchen’s appearance too much, consider trying different unorthodox storage methods to free up more space.
If your pantry or kitchen closet is unrecognizable, maybe it’s time to expand or change the kitchen’s layout. Adding an island with extra drawers and shelves is a viable option. In any case, make sure to consult a kitchen remodeling contractor before making any significant renovations.
Cluttered Drawers & Cabinets
Even if you have enough storage space, it’s easy to let your cabinets and drawers get cluttered. People don’t put items back in their assigned places and before you know it, the entire cabinet is disorganized. One popular solution is to start a designated “junk drawer” to avoid putting random items where they don’t belong.
If you want a surefire solution that eliminates the “junk drawer” once and for all, you need cabinet upgrades with versatile storage options. Corner drawers, appliance garages and rolling cabinets are three popular examples.
These stylish additions can also add value to your home if you decide to sell, since functional kitchen storage space is among the top priorities for prospective home buyers.
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No Walking Space
If your kitchen feels cramped when multiple people are using it, you probably don’t have enough usable walking space. This problem can be annoying for everyone, and it can also be a safety hazard.
If you can’t cook without bumping into a family member who’s using the microwave or washing the dishes, someone might get hurt. Your cooking quality also suffers from limited walking space — no one wants burned pasta!
Expansion is the only real long-lasting solution to this problem. You might have to break down a wall or remove a counter to create more floor space. If it makes your kitchen safer to use, it’s a worthwhile investment.
Cleaning Seems Impossible
After enough usage, kitchen surfaces become so worn out that they never look clean, no matter how hard you try. For example, tile floors tend to develop deep grout lines that are impossible to remove with household cleaning products. Wooden cabinets get oil stains and grease smudges that won’t go away. That’s why it’s so important to use quality materials during the initial build.
Unsanitary kitchens are not only crawling with bacteria, but they’re also eyesores. Even the least attentive guest will notice dirty floors and countertops. If your kitchen won’t cooperate with your cleaning efforts anymore — it’s time for an update.
Bad Lighting
Lighting is arguably more important in the kitchen than in any other room. You need to have good visibility to ensure safe cooking and thorough cleaning, especially when wielding a sharp knife or harmful chemicals.
If your current light fixtures aren’t cutting it, you need to add more variety. Pendants, in-ceiling lighting and cleverly placed cabinet bulbs will go a long way toward improving your kitchen’s functionality.
You & Your Family’s Needs Have Changed
Sometimes there’s nothing wrong with your kitchen, but your needs simply change. Perhaps you recently had another child or your kids are getting too big for the current kitchen setup. Your home has to evolve as your household grows and you get more mouths to feed. An expansion might be necessary if your kitchen can’t keep up with your family’s needs.
Entrust 4Ever With Your Kitchen Renovation &
Leave Your Kitchen Woes In The Dust
If you’ve decided that a kitchen remodel is the best course of action, we’re here to help. Our home design experts and contractors at 4EVer Remodeling will make the project about you and your needs, because it’s your dream kitchen remodel, not ours. Ready to start? Call us today at 847-809-3355 to schedule a free in-home consultation with a member of our team.
If you want to discuss more about how our company can successfully complete your remodeling project,
feel free to schedule an in-home consultation with one of our friendly team members.